Poker is a game of cards and betting, played in a group where you try to get the best hand by using your own two cards and five community cards. You can also use your bluffing skills to improve your chances of winning. It takes time to master the game, and even experienced players make mistakes sometimes — but it is important to learn from these mistakes.

You must always be clear about your betting. You should place your chips on the table or slide them forward in front of you for the other players and dealer to see. This makes it easy for everyone to understand your bet. You should also not tap the table or give your cards to the dealer face-down without saying anything, which is considered bad form and can confuse the other players.

During the first betting interval of a hand, you must decide whether to call, raise, or fold. This is based on the strength of your starting hand, your position at the table, and the actions of other players. You can also choose to bluff, though this is riskier and should only be done when your starting hand is weak.

In order to be successful in poker, you must learn the rules of the game and how to read other players’ body language. This is especially important in Pot Limit games, where a player can only raise or call as high as the size of the current pot.